
The Bioschemas Profile Markup Generator is a web application for prototyping markup against the Bioschemas profiles. Initially developed as a Honours level dissertation project for Computer Science at Heriot-Watt University by student Sean Turnbull under the supervision of Dr. Alasdair Gray.

This web application supports users in the creation of Bioschemas compliant markup required for inclusion on their web resource. Bioschemas provides profiles for Schema.org mark-up in order to structure and expose life-sciences metadata on the web. Each profile brings a list of allowed attributes with their constraints and properties. Some attributes are required, some are composite, some allow multiple values, some are under controlled vocabularies, and some can even be all of that.

The Bioschemas Generator is a web application that assists users in the creation of their metadata structure, through dynamically generated forms, allowing easier development of Bioschemas compliant markup for web resources.


The Bioschemas Proflie Markup Generator project has been supported by the following funding sources:


Girl in a jacket

ELIXIR-EXCELERATE is a HORIZON 2020 project to help ELIXIR coordinate and extend national and international data resources and ensure the delivery of world-leading life-science data services. It supports a pan-European training programme, anchored in national infrastructures, to increase bioinformatics capacity and competency. It also provides efficiencies in management and operation throughout the infrastructure, which is distributed amongst more than 20 European countries.

ELIXIR-EXCELERATE is funded by the European Commission within the Research Infrastructures programme of Horizon 2020, grant agreement number 676559.

ELIXIR Bioschemas: Community Adoption and Training

This implementation study aims to lift Bioschemas from "pilot" to "practice" and will:

  • Disseminate and Train: Develop training material; improve the Bioschemas website; make compliant datasets visible in ELIXIR registries.
  • Adopt: Topic specific workshops; Node-based workshops and inter-node staff exchange; strategic engagement with data platform Core Data Resources and implementation studies.
  • Sustain: Incorporation into Schema.org; and establish Bioschemas Community governance.
  • Impact: Highlight use cases, showcase impact stories and identify how to mitigate attrition.

Girl in a jacket